Control your shit Now !


not today ass
Unsplash , not today ass

well i think you had a shit day i have a product that will help you !
just give me your ass and DONE
your ass is under control
your shit will not drip at all !
our product will give make you control your shit
before poopster after poopster


insert it in your ass
wait until poopester cover the biggest range
congratulations your ass is under control


i really like it

wow so easy

love it


what will you expect from poopester?
A:your ass will work in manual mode instead of the automatic .
what is the product best for ?
A:The product can be used by everyone espicially for those who has disablilites .


yes shiting may seem a hard job you know walking going to bathroom and flushing , trying to make the shiting faster people seem to be a little bit creative !
someone just made a baseball field that could fit in your bathroom others tried putting a tv in the bathroom will let us call that home shiting !
for example linus tech tips made a pc gaming for your bathroom it is normal ( he is Canadian )
with poopester we made shiting a fun and enjoyable experience our costumers seem to go the bathroom for more than 5 times a day
when every you try to shit things may go out of control and it seems that no thing you can do until poopester came with poopester we give you full control of your shit no more spilling , farting or unwanted shiting pooperster is the solution for everything
Poopester ...
shiting made easy